Americans' Right To Arms is a Project of Patriot PAC
This includes Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and the all usual suspects of the mainstream media. The push is ON with Congress for MORE GUN CONTROL – and we need YOU to STAND UP AND BE HEARD NOW. Citing the South Carolina racist lunatic who murdered black Christians in cold blood, psychotic narcissist – really, he had "selfie" glamour shots covering his apartment refrigerator – Vester Flanagan shot and killed on live television his former co-workers 24-year-old news reporter Alison Parker and 27-year-old cameraman Adam Ward, and injured their interviewee, during a morning broadcast at Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia. He ALSO self-recorded it all. Flanagan claimed as a station WDBJ employee, he faced discrimination as "a gay black man" – a charge wholly unsubstantiated when investigated – and that the Charleston murders were the last straw… In his 23-page "manifesto," the killer praised the notoriously cold-blooded Columbine High School shooters as well as the lunatic who murdered 32 people at Virginia Tech for "killing so many."
Sadly, the angry and inconsolable father of Alison Parker is calling for "sensible laws so that crazy people can't get guns" telling CNN "there has to be a way to force politicians who are cowards and in the pocket of the NRA" to do so. Unfortunately, criminals and psychos DON'T FOLLOW "sensible laws" or indeed laws of any kind – that is why they are outlaws. And keeping firearms out of the hands of those individuals ready to commit their first criminal offense is IMPOSSIBLE without gutting gun rights for ALL sane, law-abiding Americans and decimating self defense. WE CAN'T let the Left exploit Alison's and Adam's tragic deaths for selfish political gain – and WE CAN'T let the call for S. 2002 "background check" and "mental health" dragnet expansions get off the ground… NOTHING in the new S. 2002 would have prevented revenge-driven "victim" Vernest from obtaining a firearm as he PASSED a background check and DID NOT meet the "mental health" criteria for current exclusion from gun ownership OR that set out in this proposed bill. HELP SHUT UP WASHINGTON GUN-GRABBERS WITH THE FACTS!
Never mind the 3,000 Americans killed on 9/11 by "unarmed" terrorists – not to mention the SACRIFICE of our Veterans on bloody battlefields abroad to prevent their brethren Americans DYING AT THE HANDS OF TERRORISTS AT HOME! The condemnation of this revenge-seeking RACIST killer was conspicuously MISSING from one way race-baiter Obama's laments! Clinton crony Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe callously exploited the tragedy to argue, "There are too many guns in the hands of people who should not have guns. That is why I've long advocated for background checks. … This is why we need to restrict access to guns." It matters NOT AT ALL to these haters of the Second Amendment that VESTER PASSED A BACKGROUND CHECK AND LEGALLY OBTAINED HIS FIREARM. The Left isn't mentioning the FBI statistics that blacks accounted for 56.9 percent of ALL gun homicides between 1980 and 2008 – a trend that has only continued! INSTEAD, they are "gunning" for the Second Amendment rights of our military veterans and senior citizens WITHOUT DUE PROCESS! They have already tried disarming the INNER CITIES like CHICAGO and BALTIMORE with draconian gun control – per capita murder capitols of the nation – and we see how well that works! The truth is, when minority violence is subtracted, America is as dangerous as SWITZERLAND. To "fix" the system and have prevent psychotic killers from using legally obtained guns would have largely required BANNING LAWFUL GUN OWNERSHIP OUTRIGHT – but of course, this IS the ENDGAME for Obama and his anti-Second Amendment fanatics. Despite INCREASED gun ownership in America, the national gun homicide rate is down by half – down 49% since its peak in 1993 – but only 12 percent of Americans know it thanks to the gun grabbing chokehold on our nation's media. CONGRESS MUST HEAR FROM INFORMED AMERICANS LIKE YOU – BLAST THEM THAT YOU ARE PAYING ATTENTION AND REFUSE TO STAND DOWN!
The truth is, this bill CLAIMS to avoid illegal bureaucratic "mental health" dragnets and intrusive reporting to the NICS background check system in exchange for EXPANDED BACKGROUND CHECKS – but it STILL SUPPORTS A NATIONAL GUN-OWNERS DATABASE AND WEAPONS CONFISCATION SYSTEM! These are the hallmarks of tyranny, and MUST NOT be tolerated! CORNYN'S LEGISLATION IS GUN CONTROL APPEASEMENT and DOESN'T EVEN TRY to fix the broken system that is wrongfully disarming sane, law abiding, no-threat Americans while missing those like the South Carolina neo-Nazi who massacred Christians! And it's all wrapped in a nice little package about protecting our veterans and seniors! DON'T BE FOOLED! Whether under the Obama regime or the next – regardless of party – the Federal government CANNOT be trusted with monitoring of the mentally ill; such monitoring must remain with local and State jurisdictions for the safety of the Second Amendment rights of ALL AMERICANS. Otherwise, there is NOTHING to prevent ever more "background check" data relayed to the Feds from metastasizing into a NATIONAL GUN-OWNERS DATABASE for our elected elites and bureaucrats to use coercively and punitively against us. Defend YOUR liberty – while you can! Cornyn SHOULD NOT be helping the anti-gunners hold our vets' and seniors' gun rights hostage to more gun control and less freedom! THIS BILL WILL GET PUT ON OBAMA'S DESK UNLESS YOU SHUT IT DOWN! The NRA has rubber-stamped this bill but grassroots fighters like Gun Owners of America are SOUNDING THE ALARM – and WE AGREE! – this deception is all set to be slammed through the House and Senate as soon as Congress returns from August recess. The Social Security Administration sent a classic CYA response to Rep. Sam Johnson's letter demanding more information on the agency's proposed reporting on seniors and others receiving the SS federal benefit to the NICS background check system… in many cases for no other reason than a recipient having a representative payee. This disarmament is being done WITH NO DUE PROCESS granted in the automatic stripping of Americans' Second Amendment rights – an anti-gun, anti-freedom assault similar to that employed by the Veterans Administration to DISARM OUR VETS! The last thing we need is this Cornyn "appeasement" bill S. 2002, to halt the VA and SSA – or any other Federal agency – from reporting individuals to NICS WITHOUT DUE PROCESS AND PROPER ADJUDICATION confirming the individual in question is in fact a danger to themselves or others – AT THE EXPENSE OF MANDATORY 'MENTAL HEALTH' REPORTING BY OUR STATES! Remember, if the States do not comply – they LOSE Federal grant money… S. 2002 MUST BE REJECTED OUTRIGHT AT ONCE AND REAL REFORMS LIKE H.R. 577 and S. 572 RE-INTRODUCED! YOUR support is needed NOW to rally a strong pro-gun Republican majority against RINO collaborators in Congress who want to "go along" with Obama… Believe it or not, Obama is trying to use his bureaucratic bludgeon to beat the Second Amendment to death for the largest gun-owning demographic in the United States, our vulnerable SENIORS!
Colvin has since responded that no names have yet been turned over but that the SSA is "looking at possible implementation scenarios." It does NOT rule out that having a representative payee will result in disarmament. While this letter is a great start, WE NEED MORE THAN A LETTER – WE NEED TO DEFEND OUR SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS! THAT MEANS WE DON'T NEED S. 2002! The Second Amendment rights of America's law-abiding senior citizens – many of whom are our most revered VETERANS – are in jeopardy. The Obama administration is stealthily moving to expand the "mental health" dragnet by mandating Social Security now report seniors' health information to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, according to a new report by the Los Angeles Times. Like the mandated Veterans Affairs reporting, all it will take is being deemed unable to manage their personal affairs – like finances – because of "marked subnormal intelligence, or mental illness, incompetency, condition, or disease," and their gun rights are gone. And just like the VA reporting, that by the Social Security administration is bound to be riddled with inaccuracies and errors leaving our seniors to jump through expensive hoops to get their lawful gun rights restored. According to the Times report, the Social Security agency "has been drafting its policy outside of public view." ONLY YOUR PUBLIC OUTRAGE WILL SHUT IT DOWN! Now that the story has broken, WE NEED YOUR HELP EXPOSING OBAMA'S NEWEST EXECUTIVE FIAT TARGETING OUT SENIORS! This is the baby boomer generation, who either themselves or their parents fought for to save this country and the world from Hitler in World War II… And this is their thanks from Barack Obama. Only you can rally Congress to STAND WITH OUR SENIORS and OUR VETERANS against Obama's ever-expanding mental health dragnet!
Right now, this administration is prepping over a dozen "executive actions" to gut the Second Amendment rights of "mental defectives" – something that could apply first and foremost to our VETERANS returning from overseas… for so little as seeking out family counseling or therapy!
They WON'T keep guns from people like deranged Vester Flanagan, or Newtown murderer Adam Lanza – who stole his from his law-abiding mother. Or like the Aurora, CO movie theater killer – whose insane homicidal spiral was simply missed by mental health professionals even when he reached out for help. Serious mental health issues WERE the problem in the cases above… and Obama's proposed anti-Second Amendment actions wouldn't have stopped them! … But they WILL stop our veterans and other Americans in need of depression counseling, therapy in readjusting after deployment, or other treatment from seeking it! MAKE NO MISTAKE: This is just a convenient excuse for implementing MORE GUN CONTROL even if it will DO NOTHING to save innocent Americans. It demonizes our fine veterans and in fact puts more Americans' well-being in jeopardy by discouraging important counseling services. But from Obama's perspective, where better to intensify gun control than with our vets, whose healthcare is already being overseen BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT? Considering it's coming from this regime, which has admitted to monitoring "right wing" social media right along with ISIS terrorist networking, we know just who they are trying to DISARM… and it is already happening. DEMAND CONGRESS RE-INTRODUCE AND PASS S. 572/H.R. 577, the 'Veterans Second Amendment Protection Act,' BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!
These corrupt apparatchiks are doing WHATEVER it takes – from distorting "confidential" interviews, to manipulating privileged medical information, to flat out lying about or exaggerating the "mismanagement" of vets personal financial matters – to eradicate the Second Amendment rights of our brave fellow citizens who answered the call and put their lives on the line FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM. Congress MUST ACT and ENSURE the Feds AND the State police powers colluding in this travesty STOP THIS ABUSE OF OUR VETERANS NOW! This is unconstitutional and unjust, and if you are passive and tolerate this abuse upon others, it WILL next be visited by a tyrannical Obama regime upon YOU. A memo dated February 2012, is entitled: "Memorandum Of Understanding Between The United States Department Of Veterans Affairs And The Federal Bureau Of Investigation Regarding The National Instant Criminal Background Check System." It stipulates that the VA MUST provide a veterans' personal information to the FBI: VA will provide an encrypted compact disc exchanged via mail to the FBI no less than quarterly for, inter alia, inclusion in the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). In fact, it reveals a "monthly CD" is submitted by the VA information technology center in Austin, Texas, to the FBI with NEW NAMES of veterans added to the "watch list" – our veterans enjoy ZERO citizens' privilege – they are data-based like criminals! Veteran Douglas Szklarski, one of those vets, told The Daily Caller,
"I've had like nine doctors say I wasn't incompetent and they still went after my guns," Szklarski added. "ATF came to my house. I had to surrender them." And it's only going to get worse, folks… On Apr. 25, Obama's anti-gun surgeon general Vivek Murthy in an interview with NPR re-affirmed his commitment to eradicating "gun violence" as a PUBLIC HEALTH concern while ObamaCare continues infringing on our rights and privacy within the sanctity of our doctors' offices and hospitals – these VA anti-gun maneuvers are but a TRIAL RUN to see what "public health" gun grab schemes they can get away with… CONGRESS MUST LEAD THE WAY IN DEFENDING OUR SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS. Demand they begin by reintroducing and passing S. 572 and H.R. 577, the Veterans Second Amendment Protection Act – and take the bullseye off our honored Vets who are specifically targeted in this unconstitutional dragnet! Meanwhile, back at State Capitols, LEGISLATORS CONTINUE TO EXPAND THE NUMBER OF WAYS TO PUT YOU ON THIS LIST! California has been the most punitive against veterans, and must feel the backlash of angry citizens sick of tyrannical government control and destruction of our rights. ALL 50 STATES NEED TO HEAR YOU BEFORE THE 'MENTAL HEALTH' SLIPPERY SLOPE GAINS ANY TRACTION – AND CONGRESS NEEDS TO STEP UP! In as early as an October 2013 editorial for Science Daily, Dr. J. Michael Bostwick of the Mayo Clinic wrote: "We physicians generally do not know enough about firearms to have an informed conversation with our patients, let alone counsel them about gun safety." Dr. Bostwick RIGHTLY and JUSTLY argues:
Dr. Richard Friedman: "… there is overwhelming epidemiological evidence that the vast majority of people with psychiatric disorders (the mentally ill) do not commit violent acts. Only about 4 percent of violence in the United States can be attributed to people with mental illness."
NOW with the Virginia shootings, their bill has NEW impetus and they are ALREADY pushing their own NATIONAL background check bill targeting the mentally ill for inclusion on the lifetime gun ban list! Unjust! For shame! Help us SHUT THEM and their S. 2002 sham bill DOWN! FOLKS, THERE IS A REASON GUN OWNERSHIP RECENTLY HAS SURGED TO 47% – ACCORDING TO GALLUP THE HIGHEST IN FOUR DECADES! OUR GUN RIGHTS ARE ON THE CHOPPING BLOCK! IF YOU DON'T JOIN US IN THIS FIGHT, IT WILL BE TOO LATE! The writing is on the wall when it comes to just how far this administration – with its cowardly State-based AND Congressional RINO collaborators – is willing to go to destroy our constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Obama and the gun grabbers will stop at NOTHING to confiscate our weapons of self defense and self determination, and they have found the "common sense" pretext of "competency and mental health" to get establishment Republicans to carry their water for them!
Elderly DOES NOT mean incompetent and veteran DOES NOT mean ill or disturbed! We must HIT Congress and our States HARD, NOW so that they – particularly McConnell, McCain, Graham, Toomey and all the rest of the RINO Establishment – KNOW that WE ARE PAYING ATTENTION AND WE ARE READY TO FIGHT ALL COMERS, INCLUDING THEM, FOR OUR SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS IN 2014!
But Barack Hussein Obama wouldn't want a judicial speed bump to slow his plot to disarm America, so he is simply going around the Fifth Amendment, bypassing Due Process right along with the Separation of Powers… AND UNLEASHING HIS ANTI-GUN APPARATCHIKS IN OUR STATES! WE SAY, NOT ON OUR WATCH!
This is ALREADY BEGINNING with our vulnerable senior citizens! Obama is just starting with those among us most experienced with conflict and proven ready to put their lives on the line for freedom – and then moving to disarm other population sets. We need YOUR help to DEMAND Congress re-introduce and enact S. 572 and H.R. 577, so Obama and his faction KNOW the Constitution is still the law of the land! With your support, we can defend the Second Amendment rights of our soldiers and citizens from his gun grab edicts – but we must RESPOND right now REPUDIATING Obama's Executive actions to EXTEND his disarmament of the nation. We are pursuing a full-court lobbying and blast-fax campaign on the new Republican-controlled Congress to RE-INTRODUCE AND PASS S. 572 and H.R. 577 because Obama is so out of control we KNOW we must head to both Congress AND to our States NOW, IMMEDIATELY with our Veterans AND NOW our seniors on social security – before the force of government comes come for ALL our guns! WE MUST STAND WITH OUR VETERANS AND FOR OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS TODAY, THIS MOMENT, ALL THE WAY! Will you help us?
Americans' Right To Arms