Veterans for Congress

Contrary to its noble founding vision and statesman-like party platform embodying Declaration principles of liberty, sovereignty, and national security, the 21st-century National Republican Party in practice has all but eschewed these standards of political integrity. The GOP now often selects candidates, and crafts policy and legislation, on the most vulgar calculations of political expedience. This debasing behavior undermines the very foundation upon which the Founders of our Republic laid our ordered liberty and constitutional government.
It has become increasingly clear that the GOP and its national political operations in the Republican National Committee, the National Republican Senatorial Committee, and the National Republican Congressional Committee refuse to consider the party’s platform as a benchmark for selection, support and advocacy of candidates for public office.
Meanwhile, as our nation’s constitutional crises multiply, and our country’s governance is further hi-jacked into socialism by a reckless, arrogant, elitist Democrat Party majority in the Congress — we see an unprecedented wave of selfless Patriot Military Veterans offering themselves in public service, as candidates for federal office in 2014. Thank God for their faithfulness to their oath of service!
Military Veterans Endorsed in 2014
Matt Bevin
Military Service: U.S. Army
Current District: U.S. Senate, Kentucky
Next Election: 2014
Party: Republican
Matt Bevin grew up in a financially humble home, built on a bedrock of strong Christian values, and was encouraged by his parents to pursue the American Dream. He is running for the U.S. Senate because he believes that the chance for future generations to achieve their own American Dream is in danger of being destroyed by elite politicians out of touch with the hardworking, independent-minded taxpayers that make our country great.
He attended Washington and Lee University in Virginia with a four-year ROTC scholarship. He also worked 20-25 hours each week in the dining hall and at campus events to earn extra money. Upon graduation in 1989, Matt was commissioned as an officer in the U.S. Army, ultimately rising to the rank of Captain. He spent four years on active duty with primary responsibilities as the 5th Mechanized Infantry Division Artillery's counterfire officer.
In 2008, Matt began helping out at Bevin Bros. -- a bell manufacturing company that had been in the Bevin family since it opened its doors in 1832. Besieged by high taxes and foreign competition, Bevin Bros. was on the verge of bankruptcy and Matt's uncle was planning to shut it down. In 2011, Matt became the President of Bevin Bros. In only a year, he paid off all the company's debts and back taxes, modernized the business model, and saved more than 20 jobs. After the company was struck by lightning in 2012 and burned to the ground, Matt started over yet again.
Matt is a firm believer in this country's founding ideals: Individual liberty, limited government, and constitutional principles. He is a job creator who believes American taxpayers deserve more than the failed policies of recent decades -- more than the repeated bailouts, tax increases, amnesty, automatic debt-limit increases, congressional pay raises, and backdoor special-interest deals.
Challenger |
Paul Broun, M. D.
Military Service: U.S. Navy
Current District: U.S. Senate, Georgia
Next Election: 2014
Party: Republican
After graduating from the University of Georgia and the Medical College of Georgia, Paul Broun devoted nearly four decades to serving others through the practice of medicine. Dr. Broun is passionate about the medical profession and enjoys helping patients whether as a family physician, in emergency medicine, or in the military. Several years before his election to Congress in 2007, to convenience his patients, Dr. Broun had a practice based upon a style that is almost unique in modern times -- one devoted to house calls.
Since his election to Congress, Dr. Broun continues to practice medicine in his role as a medical officer in the U.S. Navy Reserves. Deployed to Afghanistan in 2012, Lt. Commander Broun treated sick and wounded Marines and soldiers. As a military doctor he treats patients in the Navy Health Clinic at Marine Base Quantico and at the Brigade Medical Center at the U.S. Naval Academy.
At age 18, he volunteered to serve our nation as a U.S. Marine. He was later commissioned as a medical officer in the U.S. Navy. Today he continues to serve America as a Lt. Commander in the U.S. Navy Reserves. In 2012, Paul was deployed to Afghanistan where he treated sick and injured Marines and soldiers. As a physican-Congressman, Dr. Broun is deeply devoted to quality medical care for our Wounded Warriors and Veterans here at home.
Open |
Bill Connor
Military Service: U.S. Army
Current District: U.S. Senate, South Carolina
Next Election: 2014
Party: Republican
A graduate of The Citadel, Bill Connor served over a decade as a Regular Army Infantry Officer in the U.S. Army. After leaving active duty to become a reservist, Bill earned his Juris Doctorate from the University of South Carolina. As an attorney, Bill has earned an "AV Preeminent" rating, the highest peer evaluation rating of ethics and ability for an attorney practicing law in the United States.
In 2007, Bill volunteered for a year long combat deployment in Afghanistan, serving as a Joint Operations Officer, developing and implementing the U.S. advisory effort for Afghan National Security Forces.
Bill later commanded the U.S. Advisory effort in the volatile Helmand Province, and subsequently earned a promotion to Lt. Colonel. Bill also served as the senior American military liaison to British forces in Afghanistan.
For his efforts in Afghanistan, Bill was awarded the Bronze Star. He is now in charge of Command and General Staff Officer instruction (ILE) in South Carolina for the Reserves.
Challenger |
Tom Cotton
Military Service: U.S. Army
Current District: U.S. Senate, Arkansas
Next Election: 2014
Party: Republican
Tom Cotton is a sixth generation Arkansan who was born and raised on his family's cattle farm in Yell County. After attending Dardanelle high school Tom went on to graduate from Harvard and Harvard Law School.
The tragic attacks of September 11, 2001 occurred during Tom's final year of law school, and he began to reconsider his future plans. He ultimately left law after clerking for the U.S. Court of Appeals and short time in a private law practice to join the United States Army. Tom declined a commission as a JAG attorney and opted to serve as an Infantry Officer.
Tom Cotton served almost five years as an active duty Infantry Officer and completed combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. In Iraq Tom served with the 101st Airborne where he led an infantry platoon in daily combat patrols. While in Afghanistan he served as the operations officer for a Provincial Reconstruction Team. Between his two combat tours he served as a platoon leader with the Old Guard at Arlington National Cemetery, the unit responsible for military honors funerals. Tom's military decorations include the Bronze Star Medal, Combat Infantry Badge and Ranger Tab.
After leaving active duty Tom worked as a management consultant for McKinsey & Co. He represents Arkansas's fourth district in the United States House of Representatives.
Challenger |
Rob Maness
Military Service: U.S. Air Force
District: U.S. Senate, Louisiana
Next Election: 2014
Party: Republican
Rob Maness' life has been one of dedicated service to the Nation. The third son of Master Sergeant Billy and Lennie Maness, Rob and his three brothers grew up moving around the country and the world as their Dad served in the United States Air Force. Rob experienced many cultures, and came to realize how blessed he was to be an American. In this he came to understand why our individual rights must be protected.
Rob made the decision as a 17 year old high school senior to enlist in the Air Force and served in the midst of the Iranian hostage crisis. He worked his way up from the enlisted ranks to full colonel and retired from active duty in 2011, ending his military service of more than 32 years. Rob and Candy came back to Louisiana to continue raising their family where he had spent much of his military career. He currently works in the utility industry as a director and resides in Madisonville, Louisiana.
Rob has proven his competence at the local, state, and federal levels of government with his demonstrated leadership and effectiveness as a steward of citizens' tax dollars. He has gained a unique insight into government through his broad experience in concerns to the national budget process and through his direct executive oversight of local schools in coordination with elected school boards, where he worked to make them secure and more effective in order to meet the needs of America's military children. His leadership and combat experience, gleaned from over 30 years of military service, provides Maness with a invaluable perspective when considering national actions and their resulting impacts on our country's families.
Challenger |
Representative Duncan D. Hunter, Jr.
Military Service: U.S. Marines
Current District: California 50th
Next Election: 2014
Party: Republican
Duncan D. Hunter currently represents California's 50th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives, consisting mainly of East San Diego County. With the latest redrawing of state-wide Congressional Districts, Duncan is now a candidate for the 50thCongressional District, which holds parts of East County, North County and the city of Temecula in Riverside County.
Duncan is a native of San Diego, graduating from Granite Hills High School in El Cajon before going on to San Diego State University, where he earned a degree in Business Administration. Soon after graduation, Duncan began working full time as a Business Analyst, utilizing his degree and his experience creating websites and programming databases, while a student at San Diego State University.
In November 2008, Duncan was elected to his first term in the U.S. House of Representatives. Now joined in Congress by a growing list of distinguished military veterans, he remains the first and only Member of Congress to serve in a direct combat role in both Iraq and Afghanistan with the Marine Corps.
Duncan is a strong conservative whose priorities include a strong national defense; enhanced border security, fiscal accountability and transparency, and protecting taxpayer interests. He currently serves as a member of the House Armed Services Committee, as well as a member of the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee and the House Education and the Workforce Committee.
Incumbent |
Military Veterans Endorsed in 2012
Current Occupation: Maricopa County Sheriff – Arizona
Military Service: U.S. Army
Next Election: 2012 (incumbent)
Party: Republican
Previous Occupation: Businessman
Military Service: Major, U.S Marine Corps Reserve
Current District: 4 - Massachusetts
Next Election: 2012 (challenger)
Party: Republican
Previous Occupation: Lawyer
Military Service: U.S. Army
Current District: 4 - Arkansas
Next Election: 2012 (challenger)
Party: Republican
Previous Occupation: Marine Corps Officer
Military Service: U.S. Marines
Current District: 5 - Minnesota
Next Election: 2012 (challenger)
Party: Republican
Current Occupation: Small Businessman
Military Service: U.S. Army
Current District: 2 - Arkansas
Next Election: 2012 (incumbent)
Party: Republican
Previous Occupation: Accountant & Lawyer
Military Service: U.S. Marine Corps
Current District: 13 - New York
Next Election: 2012 (incumbent)
Party: Republican
Former Occupation: Physician
Military Service: U.S. Army
Current District: 3 - Nevada
Next Election: 2012 (incumbent)
Party: Republican
Current Office: U.S. House
Current District: 52 - California
First Elected: 06/06/2008
Last Elected: 11/02/2010
Next Election: 2012 (incumbent)
Party: Republican
Previous Occupation: USAF Pilot
Military Service: U.S. Air Force
Current District: 16 - Illinois
Next Election: 2012 (incumbent)
Party: Republican
Previous Occupation: Ohio State Treasurer
Military Service: U.S. Marine Corps
Current District: U.S. Senate - Ohio
Next Election: 2012 (challenger)
Party: Republican
Military Service: U.S. Army
Current Office: Chief Justice, Alabama Supreme Court
Next Election: 2012 (incumbent)
Party: Republican
Previous Service: U.S. Army
Current District: 8 - Virginia
Next Election: 2012 (challenger)
Party: Republican
Previous Service: U.S. Air Force
Current District: 2 - New Mexico
Next Election: 2012 (incumbent)
Party: Republican
Previous Service: U.S. Marine Corps
Current District: 51 - California
Next Election: 2012 (challenger)
Party: Republican
Current Occupation: Attorney
Military Service: U.S. Navy
Current District: Colorado Senate
Next Election: 2012 (challenger)
Party: Republican
Military Service: U.S. Army
Current District: 18 - Florida
Next Election: 2012 (incumbent)
Party: Republican
"Joe the Plumber"
Military Service: U.S. Air Force
Current District: 9 - Ohio
Next Election: 2012 (challenger)
Party: Republican
Endorsed for Primaries 2012
Jesse Kelly
Previous Service: USMC (Ret)
Current District: 8 - Arizona
Next Election: 2012
Party: Republican
Join Jesse Kelly in his fight to bring back fiscal sanity and jobs to America. Arizona's eighth district is a top swing seat in the upcoming election; winning here will be key to taking back the House in November.
As a United States Marine Corps combat veteran, Jesse Kelly led a squad in the Mortar Section of 1st Battalion, 7th Marines while deployed during Operation Iraqi Freedom. He was honorably discharged in August 2004 after four proud years of service.
After serving our country, Jesse moved on to work in the family construction business in Tucson, AZ. Jesse works as a project manager managing multi-million dollar infrastructure projects throughout the southwest region of the United States, his duties include: estimating, scheduling, budget analysis, and human resource management.
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Duane Sand
Previous Service: U.S. Navy
Current District: U.S. Senate, North Dakota
Next Election: 2012
Party: Republican
Besides being a Navy Captain-Select in the U.S. Navy, Duane Sand is also an entrepreneur serving as President of a small company that builds hotels, restaurants and apartment buildings.
After returning from the Iraq War, he formed an alliance with Former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture and North Dakota Governor, Ed Shafer in 2006 and together they conducted town hall meetings to help educate and inform people about the out of control spending going on in North Dakota and in Washington. He also started the first North Dakota chapter of Americans for Prosperity, a national group dedicated to restoring individual freedom and self reliance to America. This all happened long before the national Tea Party movement began.
A tireless worker, with a “never give up” attitude, Duane Sand, the ultimate family man, is poised to lead America back to the greatness she once knew. He makes no apologies for wanting to serve America, after all, that’s what he’s spend the better part of his life doing.
Challenger |
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Dan Severson
Previous Service: U.S. Navy
Current District: U.S. Senate, Minnesota
Next Election: 2012
Party: Republican
Retired Top-Gun fighter pilot, Navy commander, accountability in government advocate, inventor and family man are only a few titles that encompass the character of Dan “Doc” Severson.
In 2002, he served four terms in the House of Representatives, the last term as Minority Whip. Doc relentlessly advocated for the people of Minnesota through reforming tort litigation, veteran education and employment benefits and judicial accountability through state statue. He also conducted an investigation into and scrutinized voter fraud allegations which lead to a state wide race in 2010.
In 2000, Doc contributed to society and helped develop a patent using light emitting diodes that deals with free space communication. Ten years later, he ran for the Secretary of State against an incumbent and narrowly lost the race. However, he has fought before on behalf of America and in the 2012 race he is once again ready to fight for the beliefs and values American’s hold so dear.
Challenger |
David Bellavia
Previous Service: U.S. Army
Current District: 27 - New York
Next Election: 2012
Party: Republican
David Bellavia, 36, grew up in Western New York. He and his wife have been blessed with three children and they live in Batavia - the heart of the 27th Congressional District. David is a recognized authority on the Middle East, terrorism, foreign policy, and veterans' affairs. He has appeared as an expert commentator on Fox News, CNN and other major national news outlets. He is also the critically acclaimed author of the book "House to House," a personal account of his combat service in Iraq.
David enlisted in the United States Army in July 1999, served for six years and earned the rank of Staff Sergeant. He led a squad of men in combat.
David is a highly decorated veteran of the Iraq War and one of the most decorated veterans of his generation. He was awarded the Silver Star for his actions during the Second Battle of Fallujah and received the Bronze Star and the New York State Conspicuous Service Cross.
David was also nominated for the Medal of Honor and the Distinguished Service Cross. In 2005, he was inducted into the New York Veterans Hall of Fame. Since his active duty military service, David has served in non-profit organization management. He cofounded Vets for Freedom, a veterans service organization devoted to achieving bipartisan support of the United States' national security and the defense of its citizenry. Today, Vets for Freedom is one of the largest global war on terror veteran's organizations in America.
Challenger |
Ilario Pantano
Previous Service: U.S. Marine Corps
Current District: 7 - North Carolina
Next Election: 2012
Party: Republican
"I don't need to tell you why I'm running for Congress. One look at your own bank account tells you what you need to know. You know the terrible state we are in and the urgency of fresh conservative leadership to retake the house in November. You know I'm running to promote job creation and stimulate the economy by reducing government spending and taxes; you know I'll protect the homeland - I have the scars to prove that; and you know I'll preserve our conservative values - values that are under liberal attack every day."
Ilario G. Pantano is a former United States Marine Corps non-commissioned officer and second lieutenant and a best-selling author who has worked professionally in both global markets and small business. He has also been a television commentator and served as a deputy sheriff in Wilmington, North Carolina.
Pantano came to national prominence when, after months of insurgent violence triggered by the infamous ambush and grisly hanging of Americans in Fallujah, Iraq (2004), he was falsely accused in the killing two Iraqi insurgents during a unit mission near Fallujah on April 15. An article 32 hearing found no credible evidence or testimony for the accusation, and declined to prosecute Pantano, dropping all charges. Shortly thereafter, Pantano resigned his officer's commission and was honorably discharged. These events, and his other experiences as a combat Marine during the Persian Gulf War and in Iraq in 2004 are the subject of his successful memoir, Warlord: No Better Friend,
No Worse Enemy.
Challenger |