Patriot Candidates 2014
Igor Birman
Current Occupation: Attorney
Current District: U.S. Congress, California District 7
Next Election: 2014
Party: Republican
Igor Birman was born in the Soviet Union and learned at a young age what it means to live in a society that suppresses freedom. That experience has driven him to be an ardent and dedicated advocate for preserving freedom as the cornerstone of American public policy.
Igor Birman came to the United States as a refugee in 1994 and grew up in California. He refers to becoming a U.S. Citizen at the age of 19 as the proudest moment of his life. He is a graduate of UC Davis with a BA in Political Science and holds a Doctor of Law degree from Emory University. He is a member of the California Bar.
In 2009, he was asked by Congressman Tom McClintock to serve as his Chief of Staff. In that role, Igor served as Congressman McClintock's senior policy and strategy advisor, responsible for both Washington, DC and district offices, before recently taking a leave of absence to run for Congress.
Igor Birman resides in Rancho Cordova. In his spare time, he is an instrument-rated private pilot and avid skier.
During his time in Washington, Birman has helped Congressman McClintock remain one of the fiercest conservative fighters in Congress. With a front row seat over the past few years, Igor is not only schooled on all of the policy issues, he understands the political dynamics and pressures that confront new conservative members of Congress. He is fully aware of the political chicanery from GOP leadership and is committed to joining the cadre of members trying to give the House leaders a much-needed face-lift.
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Ben Sasse
Current Occupation: President, Midland University
Current District: U.S. Senate, Nebraska
Next Election: 2014
Party: Republican
Ben Sasse is a fifth-generation Nebraskan who fixes broken institutions.
When announced as president of the 130-year-old Midland University in 2009, Ben was 37, making him one of the youngest chief executives in American higher education. At the time, Midland was on the verge of closing. Since then, Ben's hometown college has been Nebraska's fastest-growing school four years in a row.
He began his business career with the Boston Consulting Group, and subsequently joined McKinsey and Company, advising leaders in times of crisis. He has helped turn around companies in industries ranging from airlines to manufacturers, and has challenged failed strategies in organizations from the FBI to the government of Iraq. An expert on healthcare delivery, he has spent much of the last decade advising hospital boards and healthcare providers on becoming more patient-focused.
Ben served as start-up chief of staff for Congressman Jeff Fortenberry, and was appointed to multiple posts by President George W. Bush. Most recently, he was Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which is unfortunately the federal government's largest agency. In that role, he crusaded tirelessly against the false promises and fiscal unsustainability of entitlement spending.
Now in his fifth year at the helm of Midland, Ben built an entrepreneurial culture at what is now Nebraska's fastest-growing college. Since his installation, Midland has created a four-year graduation guarantee, launched an MBA program, and added a performing arts initiative and eleven new varsity athletic teams. Midland is now rescuing the bankrupt Dana College, aiming to serve even more Nebraska kids and to revitalize the historic campus in Blair.
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Steve Stockman
Current Occupation: U.S. Congressman, Texas District 36
Current District: U.S. Senate, Texas
Next Election: 2014
Party: Republican
Steve Stockman was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives on November 6, 2012, with a vision of limited government and strong support for American families, a robust national defense budget. As a member of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, Rep. Stockman highlights the importance of a vigorous space exploration program and for keeping the U.S. at the forefront of space technology.
A fierce defender of constitutional liberties, Rep. Stockman is a leader in defending the Second Amendment. He introduced the very first pro-gun bill in the House in 2013 (H.R. 35, to repeal federal gun free zones). When the President threatened to bypass Congress and enact gun control through Executive Orders, Rep. Stockman introduced, along with Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky in the Senate, the "Restore the Constitution Act of 2013," which would nullify any anti-gun orders.
Rep. Stockman, who serves as Vice Chairman of the House Second Amendment Task Force, also authored legislation to strip funding to the UN should that body attempt to restrict American's gun rights.
As a 100% pro-life supporter, Steve authored the 2013 Sanctity of Life Act, which declares that life begins at conception, and which also limits the federal courts' jurisdiction in cases dealing with the unborn. Congressman Stockman sits of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and plays an active role in uncovering the truth about what happened at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi.
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Katrina Pierson
Current Occupation: Tea Party Activist
Current District: U.S. Congress, Texas District 32
Next Election: 2014
Party: Republican
Katrina Pierson is best known across Texas and the nation as a passionate advocate for freedom. For five years, she has served as a Steering Committee member for the Dallas Tea Party. She is also the Founder of the Garland Tea Party and a member of the Texas Tea Party Caucus Advisory Committee. Her primary goal as an activist has been to provide citizens with the knowledge and skills they need to protect and advance liberty.
Katrina served on the Health Facilities Council and Economic Development boards appointed by the Garland City Council. She also served on the City of Garland on the Citizens Advisory Committee to DART (Dallas Area Rapid Transit). Pierson was recognized by the 83rd Texas Legislature in Senate Resolution 1064 for her efforts raising political awareness across the state of Texas and the nation.
Katrina has spoken out for freedom on local news outlets, Fox News Channel, MSNBC, CNN, Fox Business Channel and The Blaze TV, among many others. She has spoken up on a wide range of issues, including local, state and federal budgets, civil liberties, privacy and health care. She has been honored to share the stage with top conservatives including Senator Jim DeMint, Senator Rand Paul, Senator Ted Cruz, Andrew Breitbart, Michelle Malkin, Ginni Thomas and many others.
Professionally, Katrina's background is in the health care industry. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Biology from the University of Texas at Dallas. Katrina and her son Christopher live in Garland, Texas.
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Endorsed in 2012
Ted Cruz
Current Occupation: Texas Solicitor General
Current District: U.S. Senate, Texas
Next Election: 2012
Party: Republican
In January 2011, Ted Cruz filed to run for U.S. Senate based on his proven record of fighting for conservative principles and winning on a national level. He is running for the Senate to stand up and fight to defend liberty, preserve the Constitution, and stop federal overreach.
From 2003-08, Ted served as the Solicitor General of Texas, the chief lawyer for the State before the U.S. Supreme Court and all the state and federal appellate courts. Cruz was the youngest Solicitor General in the nation, the longest serving Solicitor General in Texas, and the first Hispanic Solicitor General in Texas.
Prior to serving as Solicitor General, Ted served as the Director of the Office of Policy Planning at the Federal Trade Commission, an Associate Deputy Attorney General at the U.S. Department of Justice, and Domestic Policy Advisor on the 2000 Bush-Cheney campaign. In addition, Ted clerked for Chief Justice William Rehnquist on the U.S. Supreme Court. He was the first Hispanic ever to have clerked for the Chief Justice of the United States.
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Josh Mandel
Current Occupation: Ohio State Treasurer
Current District: U.S. Senate, Ohio
Next Election: 2012
Party: Republican
Josh Mandel is the 48th Treasurer of the State of Ohio, having been elected as the top vote-getter of all statewide executive candidates, winning 80 of Ohio's 88 counties. Treasurer Mandel is a Marine Corps veteran who served two tours in Iraq and served as State Representative from the 17th Ohio House District. He was first elected State Representative in 2006, knocking on 19,679 doors and wearing out three pairs of shoes. In 2008 he was re-elected to a second term, representing a district with a 2:1 Democrat to Republican voter ratio. Treasurer Mandel has a record of advancing the free enterprise system, advocating for limited government, and standing up to bureaucrats who treat businesses as if they're "guilty until proven innocent".
As Treasurer of Ohio, Josh has earned the highest possible rating from Standard & Poor's for the $4 billion government investment fund he manages, and the highest possible rating from Fitch for the state's short-term General Obligation bonds. Applying the principles of fiscal conservatism and common sense decision-making, his liquidity portfolio is up $2.3 billion from the day he took office, and he has navigated the European sovereign debt crisis with a yield on behalf of the taxpayers. These accomplishments came in the wake of the United States credit rating being downgraded for the first time in American history, and at least 14 government funds throughout the country being downgraded.
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Deb Fischer
Previous Service: Nebraska Unicameral
Current District: U.S. Senate, Nebraska
Next Election: 2012
Party: Republican
A lifelong Nebraskan, Deb Fischer knows about hard work, strong communities, and the Nebraska way of life. Born and raised in Lincoln, Nebraska, Deb attended the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and graduated with a B.S. in Education. Deb and her husband Bruce have been married for over 39 years and own a ranching business near Valentine. On the ranch, they raised their three sons, all of whom have returned to live and work on the family ranch. The Fischer family has been recognized for their conservation and environmental stewardship, receiving honors from the Nebraska Natural Resources Districts, Nebraska Cattleman and the Society for Range Management.
Having a strong interest in education issues affecting our children, Deb got involved in leadership in local and statewide education associations. She was elected to the Valentine Rural High School Board of Education, became President of the Nebraska Association of School Boards and served as a commissioner on the Coordinating Commission for Post-Secondary Education. In 1999, Deb was honored with the Nebraska Association of School Boards Lifetime Achievement Award and the Nebraska Rural Community Schools Association Outstanding Board Member Award.
In 2004, Deb was elected to the Nebraska Unicameral to represent the 43rd Legislative District. She currently serves as Chair of the Transportation and Telecommunications Committee and is a member of the Revenue Committee and the Executive Board.
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Richard Mourdock
Previous Service: State Treasurer
Current District: U.S. Senate, Indiana
Next Election: 2012
Party: Republican
Richard Mourdock was elected Indiana’s State Treasurer in November 2006 and was re-elected in 2010, leading the Republican ticket with over 62% of the vote. As Treasurer, Richard has been an integral part of the state’s fiscal health. Richard’s leadership earned over $1 billion in investment income for taxpayers and successfully expanded the state’s college savings plan. At the same time, his office has returned an average of 10% of his budget back to the Treasury each year.
A solid conservative, Richard is a popular speaker at Republican events and Tea Party rallies alike. Richard’s conservative message of constitutionally limited government was heard by over one million people during the 9-12 March on Washington in 2009.
Prior to his election as State Treasurer, Richard had a successful 30 year career in the private sector, managing businesses in the energy, environmental and construction industries. He also served two terms as County Commissioner of Vanderburgh County.
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Mia Love
Mayor, Saratoga Springs, UT
District: 4 - Utah
Next Election: 2012
Party: Republican
In November 2011, Mia Love filed to run for Utah's newly formed 4th Congressional District based on her demonstrated leadership on conservative principles. She credits her parents with providing the foundation for her ideals. After many years of living in the unstable, regime-torn socialist island country of Haiti, her parents immigrated legally to the United States with $10 in their pockets in hopes of achieving the American Dream.
Mia's leadership and principled decision making during the challenging times her city faced resulted in her election as Mayor in 2009 by an overwhelming majority. One of her first acts as mayor was to reduce the residential property tax. These acts were the basis for Saratoga Springs receiving the highest Standard & Poors municipal rating available to a city of its class, at a time when many cities were being downgraded.
“Mayor Love is best known for her conservative positions on limited government, increased citizen liberties and limited restraints on business. She believes the best thing she can do as mayor is stay out of the way of business and out of the lives of citizens. Nearly a decade of weekly policy decisions reflecting these ideals makes her exceptionally experienced and qualified to do what needs to be done in Washington, DC--cut programs, cut spending, cut taxes and empower business and citizens to thrive and profit. |
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LTC Allen West
U.S. Army (Ret)
New District: 18 - Florida
Next Election: 2012
Party: Republican
Lieutenant Colonel Allen West (US Army, Retired) was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia and is third of four generations of military servicemen in his family. His parents instilled in him a very basic principle, love of God and Country. In 2004, when it was time to retire from more than twenty years of service in the US Army, he brought his wife and two young daughters to Broward County, Florida, where he taught high school for one year. He then returned to Afghanistan as an advisor to the Afghan army, an assignment he finished in November 2007.
Allen West received his Bachelors degree from University of Tennessee and Masters degree from Kansas State University, both in political science. He also holds a Master of Military Arts and Sciences from the US Army Command and General Staff Officer College in political theory and military operations.
“Education is the great equalizer,” he says. “With a good education, any child in America can live his dream.” |
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Representative Duncan D. Hunter, Jr.
Current Office: U.S. House
Current District: 52 - California
Next Election: 2012
Party: Republican
Congressman Duncan D. Hunter, (Rep.) represents the 52nd District of California. Congressman Hunter is a former U.S. Marine Captain who served in Iraq and Afghanistan between 2002 and 2007 and is the only combat veteran of the war on terror currently serving in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Congressman Hunter is a strong conservative whose priorities include a strong national defense to protect America; increased border security to stop illegal immigration and fiscal responsibility to protect taxpayers. Congressman Hunter currently serves as member of the House Armed Services Committee as well as member of the House Education and Labor Committee.
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Patrick Murray
Previous Service: U.S. Army
Current District: 8 - Virginia
Next Election: 2012
Party: Republican
Patrick Murray is a retired U.S. Army Colonel with 24-years of active service. Patrick spent over a decade in postings abroad, including tours in Iraq, Kosovo, Bosnia, Serbia and Russia. Serving around the World afforded him an up-close perspective of what it is like to live in places that do not enjoy the blessings of liberty. He does not take our freedoms for granted and knows first-hand that "freedom isn’t free." |
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Tom Cotton
Previous Service: U.S. Army
Current District: 4 - Arkansas
Next Election: 2012
Party: Republican
A sixth-generation Arkansan, Tom Cotton was born and raised in Dardanelle on his family's cattle farm. Tom graduated from Dardanelle High School and went on to graduate with honors from Harvard College and Harvard Law School. After completing law school, Tom clerked for the U.S. Court of Appeals and then entered private practice, where he concentrated in labor, employment, and constitutional law in cases at all levels of state and federal court. He deployed to Baghdad in 2006 as a platoon leader with the 101st Airborne. In Baghdad, Tom was responsible for a 41-man air-assault infantry platoon and planned and led daily combat patrols. Tom's military decorations include the Bronze Star Medal, Ranger Tab, Combat Infantryman Badge, Parachutist Badge, Air Assault Badge, Afghanistan Campaign Medal, and Iraq Campaign Medal. |
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Samuel Wurzelbacher
Previous Service: U.S. Air Force
Current District: 9 - Ohio
Next Election: 2012
Party: Republican
Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher was born in Toledo in 1973 and graduated from Springfield High School in Holland, OH. Like many young men graduating from high school, he enlisted in the Air Force looking for adventure, a career, and a way to serve the country he loves. What he found was the true definition of courage, values that were expected to be played out in day to day life, and a great respect for selfless leadership. While in the Air Force, Joe attended tech school at Sheppard Air Force Base to be a plumber and was then stationed in Alaska and North Dakota. Yes, he really is a plumber.
Joe left the Air Force in 1996 a little bit wiser and loving his country even more. He worked as a plumber for several years until eventually securing an opportunity in a growing industry. He spent the next few years in the emerging telecommunications sector, ultimately working his way up to the position of Communications Engineer.
Then... in walked candidate Barack Obama. Joe could not have know the consequences of confronting the future President that day. His intention was not to elecit Obama's now infamous "spread the wealth around" admission, but rather to ask him how his tax policy would affect Joe's plans to purchase a small plumbing business.
Nevertheless, the encounter thrust him into the political world of lies, distortion and half-truths. Joe lost his job and the secure life he was building because of his encounter that day. And he, along with the rest of the country, has watched as now President Obama has made good on his threat to "spread the wealth around." It's not working for us. It is Joe's firm belief that the Federal government must exercise the fiscal restraint that all American families value.
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Tim Scott
Current District: 1 - South Carolina
Next Election: 2012
Party: Republican
Tim graduated from Charleston Southern University in 1988, B.S. in Political Science, and was awarded the Distinguished Service Award and Alumnus of the Year award by CSU. During his freshman term representing South Carolina's First District in the United States Congress, Tim Scott has shown the rare ability to stick to conservative principles and get things done.
His first summer in Congress was spent fighting to save 1,100 First District jobs from the intrusive, overreaching and downright ridiculous actions of the National Labor Relations Board. Under constant pressure from Scott and his colleagues, the NLRB eventually dropped their case against Boeing – a victory for limited government and the free market.
Since coming to Washington, Tim has stood up for limited government, reforming our tax code, reducing spending and for the rights of all workers. The first bill he introduced was to defund and deauthorize Obamacare, and the second was to reform our corporate tax structure.
For his pro-growth and pro-jobs agenda, Tim received both the Spirit of Enterprise Award from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Defender of Economic Freedom Award from the Club for Growth. Tim's conservative voting record has earned him the American Conservative Union's Ratings Award.
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Steve King
Current District: 5 - Iowa
Next Election: 2012
Party: Republican
Congressman Steve King is familiar with justice and the laws of government having grown up in a law enforcement family in Storm Lake, Iowa. He attended Denison Community High School. King built his business and founded King Construction in 1975; he began his business with one bulldozer, and built it into a company that continues today under the ownership and management of his oldest son.
Serving six years in the Iowa Senate, then elected in 2002 to the U.S. House of Representatives, he spends a tremendous amount of time in the district engaging his constituents, and has gained national stature as a leading Constitutional Conservative; a frequent contributor to Fox News, national magazines, newspapers and radio.
Currently, King serves on the House Agriculture, Small Business, and Judiciary Committees. King, a passionate defender of the sanctity of life, remains a national and steadfast voice for the unborn; He also made renewable energy his first priority as a member of Congress. King's legislation provides the small producer tax credit for ethanol companies was signed into law.
Another current and important issue to King is his legislation to fully repeal ObamaCare. The full repeal was passed by the U.S. House this session with King's language.
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Endorsed for Primaries 2012
Jesse Kelly
Previous Service: USMC (Ret)
Current District: 8 - Arizona
Next Election: 2012
Party: Republican
Join Jesse Kelly in his fight to bring back fiscal sanity and jobs to America. Arizona's eighth district is a top swing seat in the upcoming election; winning here will be key to taking back the House in November.
As a United States Marine Corps combat veteran, Jesse Kelly led a squad in the Mortar Section of 1st Battalion, 7th Marines while deployed during Operation Iraqi Freedom. He was honorably discharged in August 2004 after four proud years of service.
After serving our country, Jesse moved on to work in the family construction business in Tucson, AZ. Jesse works as a project manager managing multi-million dollar infrastructure projects throughout the southwest region of the United States, his duties include: estimating, scheduling, budget analysis, and human resource management.
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Dave Weldon
Current Occupation: Physician
Current District: U.S. Senate, Florida
Next Election: 2012
Party: Republican
In 1994, Dr. Weldon ran successfully for Congress, becoming part of the first Republican majority in the U.S. House in 40 years. He served seven terms in Congress, on committees and caucuses including the Science Committee, the Education and Workforce Committee, Banking and Financial Services, Government Reform and Oversight, and the Appropriations Committee. He was also a member of the conservative Republican Study Committee and served on the Speaker's Task Force on Healthcare Reform in his freshman term.
As a physician, Dr. Weldon became involved with many health care policy issues, including efforts to ban human cloning and vaccine safety. He helped lead the effort to remove toxic mercury containing preservatives from childhood vaccines. For his health care work in Congress, Dr. Weldon was awarded the status of Fellow of the American College of Physicians in 2005.
In 2008, Dr. Weldon left Congress and returned to MIMA, where he has been practicing for three and a half years. MIMA now comprises over 100 doctors in multiple locations.
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Duane Sand
Previous Service: U.S. Navy
Current District: U.S. Senate, North Dakota
Next Election: 2012
Party: Republican
Besides being a Navy Captain-Select in the U.S. Navy, Duane Sand is also an entrepreneur serving as President of a small company that builds hotels, restaurants and apartment buildings.
After returning from the Iraq War, he formed an alliance with Former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture and North Dakota Governor, Ed Shafer in 2006 and together they conducted town hall meetings to help educate and inform people about the out of control spending going on in North Dakota and in Washington. He also started the first North Dakota chapter of Americans for Prosperity, a national group dedicated to restoring individual freedom and self reliance to America. This all happened long before the national Tea Party movement began.
A tireless worker, with a “never give up” attitude, Duane Sand, the ultimate family man, is poised to lead America back to the greatness she once knew. He makes no apologies for wanting to serve America, after all, that’s what he’s spend the better part of his life doing.
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Dan Severson
Previous Service: U.S. Navy
Current District: U.S. Senate, Minnesota
Next Election: 2012
Party: Republican
Retired Top-Gun fighter pilot, Navy commander, accountability in government advocate, inventor and family man are only a few titles that encompass the character of Dan “Doc” Severson.
In 2002, he served four terms in the House of Representatives, the last term as Minority Whip. Doc relentlessly advocated for the people of Minnesota through reforming tort litigation, veteran education and employment benefits and judicial accountability through state statue. He also conducted an investigation into and scrutinized voter fraud allegations which lead to a state wide race in 2010.
In 2000, Doc contributed to society and helped develop a patent using light emitting diodes that deals with free space communication. Ten years later, he ran for the Secretary of State against an incumbent and narrowly lost the race. However, he has fought before on behalf of America and in the 2012 race he is once again ready to fight for the beliefs and values American’s hold so dear.
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David Bellavia
Previous Service: U.S. Army
Current District: 27 - New York
Next Election: 2012
Party: Republican
David Bellavia, 36, grew up in Western New York. He and his wife have been blessed with three children and they live in Batavia - the heart of the 27th Congressional District. David is a recognized authority on the Middle East, terrorism, foreign policy, and veterans' affairs. He has appeared as an expert commentator on Fox News, CNN and other major national news outlets. He is also the critically acclaimed author of the book "House to House," a personal account of his combat service in Iraq.
David enlisted in the United States Army in July 1999, served for six years and earned the rank of Staff Sergeant. He led a squad of men in combat.
David is a highly decorated veteran of the Iraq War and one of the most decorated veterans of his generation. He was awarded the Silver Star for his actions during the Second Battle of Fallujah and received the Bronze Star and the New York State Conspicuous Service Cross.
David was also nominated for the Medal of Honor and the Distinguished Service Cross. In 2005, he was inducted into the New York Veterans Hall of Fame. Since his active duty military service, David has served in non-profit organization management. He cofounded Vets for Freedom, a veterans service organization devoted to achieving bipartisan support of the United States' national security and the defense of its citizenry. Today, Vets for Freedom is one of the largest global war on terror veteran's organizations in America.
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Ilario Pantano
Previous Service: U.S. Marine Corps
Current District: 7 - North Carolina
Next Election: 2012
Party: Republican
"I don't need to tell you why I'm running for Congress. One look at your own bank account tells you what you need to know. You know the terrible state we are in and the urgency of fresh conservative leadership to retake the house in November. You know I'm running to promote job creation and stimulate the economy by reducing government spending and taxes; you know I'll protect the homeland - I have the scars to prove that; and you know I'll preserve our conservative values - values that are under liberal attack every day."
Ilario G. Pantano is a former United States Marine Corps non-commissioned officer and second lieutenant and a best-selling author who has worked professionally in both global markets and small business. He has also been a television commentator and served as a deputy sheriff in Wilmington, North Carolina.
Pantano came to national prominence when, after months of insurgent violence triggered by the infamous ambush and grisly hanging of Americans in Fallujah, Iraq (2004), he was falsely accused in the killing two Iraqi insurgents during a unit mission near Fallujah on April 15. An article 32 hearing found no credible evidence or testimony for the accusation, and declined to prosecute Pantano, dropping all charges. Shortly thereafter, Pantano resigned his officer's commission and was honorably discharged. These events, and his other experiences as a combat Marine during the Persian Gulf War and in Iraq in 2004 are the subject of his successful memoir, Warlord: No Better Friend,
No Worse Enemy.
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